
Southern Grass Meat


We are a family farm with two brothers Joe and Mark Hermann owners. We both love the outdoors and family which makes us busy and striving to be better. Mark’s first interest with beef cattle started in the 70’s with the FFA during high school in Texas. Joe while in high school worked on a dairy farm in Georgia. We both like to cook and grilling beef but even better love eating beef.

Mark started eating grass fed beef because of a health reason and found the taste superb to anything else and the effects to be life changing. That is when he had the idea to start spreading the word and start raising grass fed beef. Being a family farm sparked Joe’s interest and working again with cattle so we created our farm. Our herd consist of Black Angus and British White cattle. Our cattle are on grass from birth to the processor, in pastures year round, and raised without growth hormones, steroids or antibiotics. Our pastures are grown without commercial fertilizes, herbicides or pesticides. All of our meats are dry aged for 14 days, USDA inspected, UDSA processed, and vacuum sealed. We want to create a healthy source of food for our family and a healthy environment to do it in. What better way than natural grass fed beef?

We are learning that everything has a cycle and everything affects the cycles, water cycle, community dynamics, mineral cycle and energy flow. During our rotational grazing our goal is to only take enough for that day, to leave enough for the other animals on the land, to knock down enough grass to cover the soil and to feed the soil community. Our cattle have a choice of sixteen individual loose minerals, but our goal is to have the land eventually produce most, if not all, of the minerals. To do this the soil must be healthy and thriving not on the decline. Our forage must be able to tap into the minerals and bring them into themselves and offer them to the animals.

“To reflect true profit, a successful business must also enhance the soil and water and the life within them that fuels their production. If the soil is destroyed rather than enhanced, or water polluted or depleted of life, the profits gained will not be genuine because biological capital is being consumed. However, when you enhance biological capital, you benefit not only the land but also yourself….” by Allan Savory, Holistic Management

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