
Vintage Farms

In 2018 we decided to raise our own hens for eggs and choose heritage breeds including Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Olive Eggers and Americanas which lay eggs with different colored shells such as brown, pink, blue green and speckled, often with rich, distinctive flavors. Eggs are collected multiple times daily and are fresh and delicious with healthy bright orange yolks. We 100% candle our eggs (holding the egg before a light to see the inside of the egg for defects), wash if dirty and refrigerate. Most of our eggs are AA Grade, the highest possible.
Our hens free-range every day to do what comes naturally, like roost, scratch, and socialize, even with our horses, ducks, cats and dogs. They eat seeds, insects and greens, receive a grain feed supplement and fruits and vegetables from our garden (they especially like pansy flowers, strawberries and tomatoes). We never give our hens hormones or antibiotics or dream of putting them in a cage. So, of course, they give us exceptional eggs.

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